Tuesday, February 24, 2015

How long have I been here?

Cause it feels like FOREVERRR. Like really. I'm hyper aware of the fact that I've only been here for like 2 weeks, but it feels like I've been here so much longer! Time is flying! The days drag on but the weeks fly by! Weird.

We were SO BUSY this week, but so productive and so much came from it!! Did I tell you I love tracting? CAUSE I DO. Probably because I’ve just been letting my companion do 90% of the talking and I occasionally add something.  But, now she looks at me more and more and doesn’t talk so it gets reeeeaal awkward unless I say something. It's effective. 

We had 2 cool tracting experiences this week!! One was an older man who said he's at a hard point in his life, but he's trusting God to lead him.  He said he probably wouldn't have been open to us the day before, but his heart was opened for whatever reason that day.  He cried when we gave him the Book of Mormon!

Another day, we talked to a woman about the Book of Mormon.  I was explaining it and explaining it and she pointed to it in my companion's hand and asked, "Well, are you going to give it to me?" YES. YES we will! She works on a shrimp boat so she's usually never home, but we caught her right in between trips.  She said she'll read the Book of Mormon because she has a lot of down time. (I don't know if she meant that she will read it on the shrimp boat  - because that would make me real nauseous -  but it’s good.)

We work, work, work allll day long! Which is exhausting, but good. Better than not doing anything. That just sounds awful. I'd get so homesick and frustrated if we weren't so busy! 

One thing we do on Tuesday and Thursday mornings is go to the nursing home by our complex for their devotionals. We sing good ole gospel hymns and it's great! We sing "Peace Like a River," "Jesus Loves Me" and "Victory through Jesus." As a result, THEY ARE ALWAYS STUCK IN MY HEAD. The last song we always sing is "Praise God." We literally sing "praise God" over and over to the tune of Amazing Grace. It's great.  I played the piano last Thursday and I did awful! I practiced the piano before I left home, but I didn't practice out of this hymnal!!!

One thing that surprises me about the south is how religious everyone is. When we tract, it's not, "Do you know about Jesus?" it's "WHAT do you know about Jesus?"  Everyone here goes to church. There are as many churches as dollar stores! (Or maybe it’s the other way around... there are a lot of both.) Sometimes when we knock on doors, we're the ones who receive the gospel message. We spent like 45 minutes talking to this guy about the role Jesus has played in his life. It was great.


Sister Nash

This was as much as we celebrated Mardi Gras.  A member family PILED all these beads on us!  They were SO heavy!!

This week we've been tracting in an area called VIRGINIA CITY! All the streets are named for Nevada things/things from the show Bonanza! So I NEEDED a picture by Nevada Ave :) 

This is called witch's hair or Spanish moss! It grows everrrrywhere on trees and hangs down like... witch's hair!  

Aren’t you incredibly jealous of this view? The coast is great. It's been real humid lately, but I think that's just because it's been raining/about to rain all weekend. We're not always right on the water (this was driving to a dinner appt) but the sunsets are always so orangey-pink! Beautiful.

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